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February 15, 2017 : Mini Page Heroes: Jonas Salk

The Mini Page is a syndicated, four-page tabloid written for young children found each Wednesday in The Denver Post. This issue of The Mini Page is available through the eEdition Archive to registered eEdition subscribers

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1. Write the letters S - A - L - K vertically down the left side of a piece of paper. Now paste newspaper words that describe Jonas Salk and his work next to the letters in his name. For example, you might paste the word “science” next to the “S . ”

2. Conduct a survey among family members and friends. Ask them to name the types of vaccinations they have received (small pox, measles, etc.). Don’t forget yearly flu vaccinations. Based on your survey results, what can you say about the types of diseases that have been prevented through vaccinations?

3. In the newspaper, circle any stories or ads about diseases and ways to prevent or alleviate illnesses (like washing hands, getting flu shots, etc.). What illnesses are addressed in the newspaper?

4. How were these important to Jonas Salk: (a) “killed” specimens, ( b) patents, (d) the Salk family and (d) polio?

5. Jonas Salk did his work at the University of Pittsburgh. He did not claim a patent for his discovery of the polio vaccine. Often, re searchers who use the facilities of a university or a pharmaceutical company do not have the rights to a discovery – the patents are owned by or shared with the institutions that provided the equipment a nd resources for the research. What do you think? Should the individual who makes a scientific discovery own the patent , or should the institution be included? Write a paragraph expressing your opinion.

Mini Page activities meet many state and national educational standards. Each week we identify standards that relate to The Mini Page content and offer activities that will help your students reach them.

This week's standard:
Students use biographies and stories to understand the individuals who are honored by the nation. (Social Stud ies: History)

(standards by Dr. Sherrye D. Garrett, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

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