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March 29, 2017 : It’s Spring!

The Mini Page is a syndicated, four-page tabloid written for young children found each Wednesday in The Denver Post. This issue of The Mini Page is available through the eEdition Archive to registered eEdition subscribers

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1. Draw a large circle on a piece of paper. Divide the circle into three equal parts, like pieces of a pie. Label the sections: Sports, School Events and Special Foods. Now paste newspaper words and pictures that show how spring fits in each section: W hat sports are played in the spring? What special school events take place? What special foods do people like in the spring?

2. With a friend, go through the newspaper a nd circle any pictures of plant life that are special in spring.

3. Survey friends and family to find out how they feel about spring. Ask each person to name two things they like about spring. Did many people pick the same things?

4. How are these signs of spring: (a) migrating birds, (b) butterflies, (c) evergreen trees and (d) weather?

5. Write a story about yourself on the first spring day in your community. Describe what you see, smell and hear. How does spring make you feel?

Mini Page activities meet many state and national educational standards. Each week we identify standards that relate to The Mini Page content and offer activities that will help your students reach them.

This week's standard:
Students use observations to describe patterns in the natural world to answer scientific questions. (Earth and Space Sciences: Earth’s Systems)

(standards by Dr. Sherrye D. Garrett, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)

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