Villagers want compensation as glaciers melt in Bolivia

Q: Residents of a small Bolivian mountain village want to sue those who caused climate change, melting nearby glaciers and drying up their streams. Where in the world is Bolivia?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Mountain glaciers in Bolivia and nearby Peru and Ecuador have shrunk 40 to 50 percent in recent decades. Which mountain range runs through these countries?

A. Alps

B. Andes

C. Appalachians

D. Atlas

Q: The indigenous people of Khapi say their weather has grown much warmer, their streams are drying up and the village has already lost half its population. Who are indigenous people?

A. Aboriginal people

B. Poor people

C. Pastoral people

D. Village people

Q: Many of the families who have left Khapi have gone to fast-growing urban areas like Bolivia's capital, which also is facing water shortages. What is Bolivia's capital?

A. Lima

B. Bogota

C. Caracas

D. La Paz

Q: When the Spanish conquered the area that is now Bolivia, they enslaved the Aymara and forced them to mine gold and silver until those resources diminished. What natural resource could still bring wealth to Bolivia, one of South America's poorest countries?

A. Uranium

B. Gas

C. Coal

D. Diamonds

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