NewsTracker Answers for week of Feb. 06, 2017

Q: Calling the conversation "the worst by far," President Trump reportedly cut short a phone call with Australia’s prime minister after saying an agreement to resettle up to 1,250 refugees would send "the next Boston bombers" to the United States. Where is Australia?

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Q: Australia is one of America’s . . .

A. Biggest competitors

B. Biggest trading partners

C. Most loyal allies

D. All of the above

C. Australian soldiers have fought along side U.S. troops in 10 different conflicts since 1900. They were one of the very few allies that backed the United States in the Vietnam War, and Australian forces remain in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Q: The United States’ top trade partners are Canada, Mexico and China. Which nation is Australia’s largest trading partner?

A. China

B. Japan

C. New Zealand

D. United States

A. Australia does most of its business with China – far more than with the United States. Almost one third of Australia’s exports go to China, and China sells Australia more than twice as much as the United States.

Q: Officials in the new Trump administration have warned of possible armed confrontation with China over what?

A. North Korea

B. Trade

C. Taiwan

D. South China Sea

D. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently said China should be blocked from its artificial islands in the South China Sea. Trump adviser Steve Bannon said “there's no doubt" the U.S. and China will go to war in the next decade. Some Australian leaders have warned that U.S. ties could make their nation vulnerable.

Q: China is overtaking the United States as the world’s largest economy. What nation did the U.S. overtake in 1872?

A. Germany

B. Britain

C. France

D. Spain

B. The Industrial Revolution made Britain the wealthiest nation in the world. It also ruled the world’s most extensive empire, including colonies in America, Australia and China.