NewsTracker Answers for week of Oct. 16, 2017

Q: Swiss researchers last year detected 3 tons of silver and 95 pounds of gold in effluent and sludge from nation’s sewage treatment plants – amounting to about $3.1 million. Where is Switzerland?

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Q: The researchers reported it wasn’t cost effective for the wealthy nation to try to extract the precious metals from the sewage. What tiny nation on Switzerland’s eastern border tops the CIA’s list as having world’s wealthiest population?

A. Liechtenstein

B. Luxembourg

C. Monaco

D. San Marino

A. Switzerland is bordered by Liechtenstein and Austria to the east, Italy to the south, France to the west and Germany to the north. Liechtenstein has the highest GDP per person, according to the CIA World Factbook. The small European nations of Luxembourg and Monaco are in the top four while tiny San Marino ranks 18 on the list, right behind Switzerland.

Q: Last month an investigation was launched after toilets at a Geneva bank and three restaurants were blocked by about $100,000 in high-denomination banknotes. Geneva is Switzerland’s second largest city. Which city is the most populous? 

A. Basel

B. Bern

C. Lausanne

D. Zurich

D. Zurich as a population of 402,762 followed by Geneva with 198,979, Basel with 175,940, Lausanne with 137,810 and the nation’s capital Bern with 133,115 people.

Q: While Geneva’s pipes were backed up by banknotes, something called “fatbergs” were clogging the sewers of which European capital city?

A. Berlin

B. London

C. Paris

D. Rome

B. Last month, London sewer workers found at giant “fatberg” - a rock-solid mass of wet wipes, diapers, fat and oil that was as long as three soccer fields and weighed as much as 10 double-decker buses.

Q: Part of London’s “fatberg” problem is the age of many of its sewers. London built many of it sewers in the 1800s after an event know as the . . .

A. Black Death

B. Cholera Catastrophe

C. Great Stink

D. Thames Disaster

C. In the Great Stink of 1858, hot weather exacerbated the smell of untreated sewage being dumped into the River Thames. It stirred officials to act. London’s sewer system was rebuilt over the following 16 years, ending the city’s recurring cholera epidemics and saving untold numbers of lives.