NewsTracker Answers for week of May 11, 2020

Q: South Africa’s lockdown to curtail the spread of the novel coronavirus includes a ban on the sale and transport of alcohol. Health officials say the strict alcohol ban has cut admissions to hospital trauma units more than 5,000 per week. Where is South Africa?

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Q: Unlike most countries fighting COVID-19, the number of deaths in South Africa is actually lower than what would be expected without the pandemic. What has happened to the death rate in the United States since the start of COVID-19?

A. Risen sharply

B. Declined slightly

C. About the same

A. At least 66,081 more people in the United States have died than expected since January 1, and more than 32,300 of the excess deaths have not been attributed to COVID-19. Those non-COVID-19 deaths have been blamed on the pandemic overwhelming hospitals, limiting medical resources and discouraging people from seeking life-saving care.

Q: One South African study found that “at least 15 people who would have otherwise died from alcohol-related traumas are being saved every single day.” South Africa’s overall death rate ranks 50th highest among 229 nations. Which of these nations has a LOWER death rate than South Africa?

A. Germany

B. France

C. Japan

D. United States

D. With 8.3 deaths for every 1,000 people, the U.S. death rate is lower than South Africa’s rate of 9.3 deaths per 1,000. But many developed nations including Germany, France and Japan have higher death rates than South Africa, according to the CIA World Factbook. Many factors including the wealth and average age of a population affect death rates.

Q: South Africans 15 years or older drink more than in any other country in Africa, according to a study by the World Health Organization. What nation on South Africa’s northeastern border consumes only about a fifth as much alcohol?

A. Cameroon

B. Libya

C. Mozambique

D. Tanzania

C. South Africans 15 years or older drink an average of 11 liters of alcohol per year compared with 2.3 liters in neighboring Mozambique. But, many Europeans drink much more led by Belorussians drinking an average of 17.6 liters a year. The U.S. averages 9.2 liters a year, while Libya and three other Muslim nations average only 0.1 of liter.

Q: The United States banned alcohol from 1920 to 1933, but Prohibition was widely considered a failure when bootlegging became widespread and led to a big growth in organized crime. What other country tried to prohibit the sale of alcohol?

A. Finland

B. Iceland

C. Russia

D. All of the above

D. The early decades of the 20th century saw temperance movements pass prohibition laws in several places around the world, but the United States was the most famous of the “noble experiments” to end the “evil of drink.”