NewsTracker Answers for week of Mar. 22, 2021

Q: Food safety officials approved plans by Vietnam to sell European Union (EU) countries edible insects, touted by nutritionists as the food of the future. Where is the Southeast Asian nation of Vietnam?

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Q: Vietnam is the fifth nation to receive permission to sell protein-rich insect-based food to the EU. Which of these countries does NOT have EU permission to sell it edible insects?

A. Canada

B. Switzerland

C. Thailand

D. United States

D. Before Vietnam, Canada, Switzerland, Thailand and South Korea were granted permission to sell edible insects which can be raised on a fraction of the water, feed and space required by traditional livestock. The insect industry predicts that the number of Europeans consuming insect-based food will skyrocket, reaching a total of 390 million by 2030.

Q: Vietnam hopes the EU regulation on edible insects will help it expand its food industry. What share of Vietnamese workers are employed by agriculture?

A. 20%

B. 40%

C. 60%

D. 80%

B. About 40 percent of Vietnam’s labor force is employed in agriculture, even though agriculture accounts for only 15 percent of the nation’s economy. In comparison, agriculture employs less than 1 percent of U.S. workers.

Q: For most of its history, Vietnam’s economy was based on rice cultivation, and it ranks as the world’s second largest rice exporter. It is the world’s largest producer of which crop?

A. Cashews

B. Cocoa beans

C. Coconuts

D. Coffee beans

A. Vietnam is the world's largest producer of cashews and black pepper, producing about a third of the global supply of both. It also is the second largest exporter of coffee beans.

Q: While Vietnam hopes to sell farmed insects to Europeans, do the Vietnamese eat insects?

A. Yes

B. No

A. Cicadas, crickets, grasshoppers and scorpions are sold as food in Vietnam.