NewsTracker Answers for week of Jan. 29, 2024

Q: After saying “only an idiot, a real idiot, that can die of hunger in Uganda," the nation’s foreign minister is facing a wave of outrage. More than 2,200 Ugandans died of starvation and related illnesses in 2022. Where is Uganda on the north shore of Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest lake?

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Q: The official said anyone should be able to grow food in Uganda in spite of climate change. But, many nations in the area are struggling with famine. Some people have been forced to survive by eating water lily bulbs in what nation on Uganda’s northern border?

A. Kenya

B. Rwanda

C. South Sudan

D. Tanzania

C. Years-long flooding has forced people in South Sudan to forage for the bitter water lily bulbs that offer little nutrition. Uganda is bordered by South Sudan to the north, Kenya to the east, Tanzania to the south, Rwanda to the southwest, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west.

Q: While climate change has brought both drought and extreme flooding to destroy the region’s crops, warfare has made famine much worse. Civil war exacerbated hunger in both South Sudan and its eastern neighbor …

A. Central African Republic

B. Ethiopia

C. Rwanda

D. Somalia

B. There are reports of hundreds of children dying of starvation in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, which was reduced to extreme poverty in a recent civil war. Ethiopia’s government denied that a famine is imminent, and said it’s trying to provide aid.

Q: Uganda has one of the world’s fastest growing populations which threatens to overwhelm the nation’s limited means for providing food. With half its population under 16 years old, Uganda has the world’s second-youngest population. Which nation has the oldest population?

A. Andora

B. Italy

C. Japan

D. Monaco

D. Half of Monaco’s population is over 56 years old. The tiny European nation also is the world’s second richest, with a gross domestic product per person of $115,700. In Uganda it is $2,200, placing it among the world’s poorest nations.

Q: Thousands of Africans trying to escape extreme poverty, violence and famine are undertaking desperate and dangerous journeys to reach the wealthy nations of Europe. Where did famine drive people to board “coffin ships” bound for North America in the 1800s?

A. Ireland

B. Italy

C. Russia

D. Scotland

A. About 1 million people fled Ireland, mainly to North America, as a result of the Great Famine that lasted from 1845 to 1852. It is estimated that another million people died because of the blight that destroyed Ireland’s potato crop. Coffin ships are a description of the overcrowded and disease-ridden vessels that carried Irish emigrants across the Atlantic Ocean. Many died on the voyages.