Ecuador's Galapagos Islands taken off danger list

Q: A UN panel has voted to remove Ecuador's Galapagos Islands from its list of precious sites endangered by environmental threats or overuse. Where is Ecuador?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The Galapagos Islands are located in the . . .

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Caribbean Sea

D. Indian Ocean

Q: The islands' unique animals were studied by Charles Darwin and contributed to his inception of his theory of evolution through natural selection. Where did Darwin start his journey to the Galapagos?

A. United States

B. Great Britain

C. Australia

D. Ecuador

Q: Unesco's World Heritage Committee said the Ecuadorian government had made significant progress addressing threats to the islands. What is the capital of Ecuador?

A. Quito

B. Bogota

C. Lima

D. Santiago

Q: While the UN panel removed the Galapagos Islands from its "red list" of endangered sites, it added Madagascar's forests and Florida's Everglades to the list. Where is the island of Madagascar?

A. Atlantic Ocean

B. Pacific Ocean

C. Caribbean Sea

D. Indian Ocean

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