$4 billion taken from Malaysia fund, Swiss say

Q: Switzerland's chief prosecutor said last week that a criminal investigation found that about $4 billion appeared to have been misappropriated from a government fund for development projects in Malaysia. Where is Malaysia?

Circle the area on this map

Q: Earlier last week, Malaysia's attorney general issued a controversial decision clearing the nation's prime minister in a fund scandal that has rocked the capital city of . . .

A. Bangkok

B. Jakarta

C. Kuala Lumpur

D. Singapore

Q: Swiss investigators said some of the $4 billion missing from the government fund was transferred to Swiss bank accounts of former Malaysian public officials and current and former officials of what Persian Gulf country?

A. Egypt

B. Syria

C. Turkey

D. United Arab Emirates

Q: What does Malaysia NOT have in common with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia?

A. Ethnicity

B. Monarchy

C. Oil production

D. Religion

Q: The fund was created in 2009 with a goal of turning Kuala Lumpur into a financial hub. Malaysia's economy has been growing rapidly, and it had a gross domestic product (GDP) of $25,100 per person in 2014. According to the CIA World Factbook, which of these nations was poorer?

A. Poland

B. Russia

C. Slovenia

D. South Korea

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