Britain to vote on leaving the European Union

Q: Voters in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will decide next week whether to remain part of the European Union (EU), an economic and political partnership of 28 European countries. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as Britain?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The European Union began after World War II to foster economic co-operation, with the idea that countries which trade together are more likely to avoid going to war with each other. Which nation was NOT among the founders of this common market?

A. Britain

B. France

C. Germany

D. Italy

Q: Voters appear about evenly split on the United Kingdom leaving the EU. Why do many want to leave the union?

A. Immigration

B. Business rules

C. Membership fees

D. All of the above

Q: Nearly two year ago voters in which part of the United Kingdom rejected a plan to break away from the rest of the nation?

A. England

B. Northern Ireland

C. Scotland

D. Wales

Q: One of the leaders of the campaign to leave the EU is Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London. London is capital of the United Kingdom and the largest city in Europe. Who founded London?

A. Saxons

B. Romans

C. Normans

D. Celts

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