Spain spy chief admits hacking politicians’ phones

Q: Spain’s top intelligence official acknowledged last week that her agency had hacked into the cellphones of “some” of the dozens of Spanish politicians reported to be targeted by spyware but, she said it had proper judicial authorization. Where is Spain?

Circle the area on this map

Q: The spy chief’s admission came during a meeting with lawmakers and was reported by a politician seeking independence for Spain’s northeastern Catalonia region. Catalonia borders what nation north of Spain?

A. Britain

B. France

C. Morocco

D. Portugal

Q: Pegasus can turn a phone into a remote listening device, which can record phone calls, copy messages and secretly film its user, sending all of this back to whoever installed the software. The software was developed in which Middle Eastern nation?

A. Israel

B. Saudi Arabia

C. United Arab Emirates

D. Turkey

Q: Pegasus was allegedly used to monitor associates of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi before he was murdered in which Middle Eastern country?

A. Israel

B. Saudi Arabia

C. United Arab Emirates

D. Turkey

Q: Pegasus spyware has been linked to the phone of the leader of which European nation?

A. Britain

B. France

C. Spain

D. All of the above

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