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For Grades K-4 , week of Oct. 21, 2024


Cuba has had two big power outages in just 24 hours. The country’s power plants are really old, and they don’t have enough fuel to keep things running. This has led to the longest blackout in Cuba since the 1990s, when the Soviet Union, which used to help them, collapsed. Cuba is struggling because their power plants are old, and they can’t afford to buy enough fuel. The power came back briefly but went out again, and no one knows for sure when it will be fully fixed. People in Cuba are worried, especially with a storm coming soon. Some fear more blackouts or even big protests like in the past. Have you ever been in a power outage? Write at least 5 sentences about what you found challenging or what you would find challenging during a power outage.


Toni Vaz, who passed away at 101, was a trailblazer in Hollywood as one of the first Black stuntwomen. She worked on over 50 movies and helped Black actors like Eartha Kitt and Cicely Tyson get better roles. In 1967, Toni started the N.A.A.C.P. Image Awards, which celebrate the achievements of Black artists in film, TV, and music. Even though she created the Image Awards, she didn’t get credit for many years. It wasn’t until 2021 that she was finally honored as the founder. She spent her life working to improve opportunities for Black people in Hollywood. Write a summary of what you learned about Toni Vaz’s life and her contributions to the film industry.


A tiny island called Anguilla in the Caribbean is making a lot of money thanks to the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). Many AI companies want websites that end in .ai, which happens to be Anguilla’s internet domain name. This demand has led to a big increase in money for the island, which now earns millions from companies registering .ai websites. Anguilla is using this extra money to help with important projects, like expanding the airport, providing free healthcare for seniors, and improving schools. Even though Anguilla doesn't have its own AI industry, the island is benefiting a lot from this AI boom. However, the island’s leader says they can’t rely on this forever, and they need to be careful with how they spend the money. Summarize this story with at least 3 to 5 sentences.


Right now, South America is facing a huge drought, which means there’s not much rain, and it’s causing big problems. The Amazon River, the largest river in the world that helps 30 million people in eight countries, is drying up. Because of this, many places are running out of water, and people are being told to save as much as they can, even by taking shorter showers. The drought has lasted for over two years, causing wildfires, making rivers really shallow, and even making some countries lose electricity for many hours a day. In Brazil, wildfires have burned large areas of forests and farms. The smoke from these fires is covering cities, making the air hard to breathe and sending people to the hospital. Rivers are drying up, leaving boats stuck, and some fishermen can’t catch enough fish to make a living anymore. In countries like Ecuador and Colombia, where people rely on water to make electricity, the drought is making it hard to keep the lights on, and people are going without power for hours every day. This drought is linked to climate change, which means the planet is getting warmer, causing more extreme weather like this. Experts are hoping the weather will change soon and bring more rain, but overall, the world is still heating up, and that’s making life harder for many people across South America. Write a paragraph about how important water is for humans and animals, listing at least five ways it’s important in our lives.


South Korea has a special system to recycle food waste and help the environment. When food waste rots, it creates harmful gases that cause global warming. To fix this, South Korea asks people to separate their food waste. In some places, they use electronic bins that weigh the waste and charge people based on how much they throw away. People without these bins buy compost bags to throw their food waste into special bins. If they don’t follow the rules, they can get fined. The waste is then taken to places where it’s turned into energy or used as fertilizer for plants. Even though it costs a lot of money to run, the system works well. South Korea recycles 98 percent of its food waste, much more than the U.S., which only recycles 5 percent. How could you encourage more people to recycle in the U.S.? Draw a poster that shares your ideas.