NIE provides the Tampa Bay Times and related educational resources to schools at no cost to schools, teachers or families through sponsor and subscriber support.


Going beyond the text: Teaching with the Times

The Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education (NIE) program is proud to offer teachers creative learning resources for their classrooms. These award-winning educational materials cover a variety of subjects.

NIE’s original curriculum supplements are progressive teaching resources for students from primary through adult education levels. The curriculum is educationally focused on topics relevant to the Florida curriculum and standards. The purpose of these educational materials is to engage students in the topics they are learning about. By connecting the topics to the newspaper, students learn more about their community and world around them, as well as increase their reading and critical thinking skills.

The Florida Standards are located on page 2 or page 16 of most resources.

Many of these publications are still available in print versions to teachers free of charge, thanks to our generous sponsors.

To order any of the educational publications not marked digital only, e-mail You must include the following information:

Click on the subject folder to see the educational educational resources..