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Health & Physical Education

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Be Food Safe

Balancing the Body and Mind
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Health and wellness are priorities that are often very difficult to achieve, especially as a busy teenager dealing with school, friends, family and many other challenges. This publication covers steps that teens can take to improve their health and wellness through diet, exercise, sleep and mental health. Balancing the Body and Mind was created in partnership with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Cares.

Click here to download the publication

Be Food Safe

Be Food Safe
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year 48 million illnesses, 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths in this country can be traced to foodborne pathogens. ­That is why food safety is a serious matter. This publication, produced in partnership with Publix Super Markets Inc. and Florida Press Educational Services, will enhance your awareness of foodborne illnesses and how you and your family can stay healthy.

Click here to download the publication

Be Smoke/Vape Free

Be Smoke/Vape Free

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Over the past few decades, tobacco use among young people has been declining. However, far too many young people still use tobacco products, especially for vaping. In the United States, more than 3 million middle and high school students are using tobacco. And, every day, more than 1,100 high school students try tobacco for the first time. This educational publication will help students learn about the dangers of smoking, tobacco use and vaping. In addition, it will empower students with specific strategies to resist societal and peer pressure to use tobacco or vape.

Click here to download the publication

Breaking the Cycle of Teen Dating Violence

Breaking the Cycle of Teen Dating Abuse

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Dating violence is a serious problem in the United States. One in four adolescents reports verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse from a dating partner each year. Dating violence has substantial negative effects on the mental and physical health of young people, as well as on their school performance. This supplement, created in partnership with Hands Across the Bay, focuses on helping preteens and teens gain the knowledge and learn the skills they need to form positive, healthy relationships and protect themselves online and offline.

Click here to download the publication

Breast Cancer: Understanding your risk (H)

Breast Cancer: Understanding your risk
This publication is not available in print

Grade level: High school

Breast cancer is the second-most common kind of cancer in American women. About one in eight women born today in the United States will get breast cancer. This publication, created in partnership with the American Society of Breast Surgeons Foundation, will help you understand your risk of developing breast cancer, give you strategies for reducing your risk of this type of cancer and explain how to get screened for breast cancer at no or low cost

Click here to download the publication
Click here to download the activity guide

Domestic Violence – you are not alone

Domestic Violence – you are not alone

Grade level: High school

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Thirty-eight percent of Florida women and 29 percent of Florida men experience some form of domestic violence in their lifetimes. This publication, created in partnership with Hands Across the Bay, describes the types of abuse and common warning signs of abuse; gives some tips on how to know if you're in an abusive relationship and how to support a friend or family member in an abusive relationship; and lists 24-hour resources for help and support.

Click here to download the publication

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Elementary and Middle school

On average, seven people die in U.S. home fires per day. The best way to avoid injury in case of fire is to be prepared. This Newspaper in Education publication, produced in partnership with the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation and the City of Seminole Fire Rescue Department, will educate you about fire dangers and provide tips for you to be prepared.

This publication is not available in print.

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Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention: Home fire prevention for Pasco County residents

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

Home may be the place people feel safest, but it’s actually the place they’re at greatest risk of injury or death from fire. Do you know what to do if a fire starts in your home? Learn what steps to take to eliminate potential fire hazards in your home and what to do in case a fire does break out. This publication was created in partnership with the FM Global Fire Prevention Grant Program.

Click here to download the publication

Fire Prevention

Fire Prevention: Home fire prevention for Citrus and Hernando County residents

Grade levels: Middle and High school

The best way to avoid injury in case of fire is to be prepared. By taking steps to eliminate potential fire hazards in your home and knowing what to do in case a fire does break out, you can help yourself and your family avoid property damage, injury and even death. This publication was created in partnership with the FM Global Fire Prevention Grant Program.

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Food Adventure

Food Adventures

Grade levels: Elementary school

This teaching poster features fitness and nutrition tips from the experts at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital’s Fit4Allkids program to help kids and families get and stay active and healthy. The center folds out into Fit4AllkidsVille, a fun board game for two to four players! Food Adventures was created in partnership with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Cares

Click here to download the publication

Fuel Your Fitness

Fuel Your Fitness
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

“You are what you eat.” Nutritious food is important to good health. However, good nutrition is only half of the equation to being fit. It takes making nutritious choices and being active to create a healthy lifestyle. Get tips from the pros in this publication created in partnership with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Cares.

This publication is not available in print.

Click here to download the publication

Get Connected to a Healthier You

Get Connected to a Healthier You

Grade levels: High school

This teaching poster helps teens to build a healthy lifestyle by concentrating on four pillars: eating, moving, sleeping and relaxing. By incorporating small changes into their daily routines, teens can manage school, friends, family and jobs while still becoming more health conscious. Get Connected to a Healthier You was created in partnership with Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Cares.

Click here to download the publication

Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Grade levels: Elementary, Middle and High school

By incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and help to protect yourself, your family and your community from infectious diseases such as colds, COVID-19 and flu. This publication was produced in partnership with the Florida Department of Health in Citrus County.

Click here to download the publication

The Healthy mind-body connection

The Healthy mind-body connection
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: High school and College

This adult-oriented publication focuses on staying healthy while growing older. Let’s face it, we are all growing older, and that is a good thing. It’s all about balance, and the people at DACCO (Drug Abuse and Comprehensive Coordinating Office Inc.) understand that wellness plays a major role in the treatment of substance use disorders and associated conditions. Being physically healthy goes hand in hand with being mentally healthy. This educational publication, geared toward college students and adults of all ages.

Click here to download the publication

Human Trafficking: What Parents & Guardians Need to Know

Human Trafficking: What Parents & Guardians Need to Know

Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime under federal and international law. It is a crime that involves the exploitation of one person by another for financial gain. Human trafficking occurs when traffickers use force, fraud or coercion to control other people for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex or compelling them to provide labor or services against their will. This publication is aimed at parents, guardians and teachers regarding how to talk to your children about this issue.

Click here to download the publication
Click here to download the Teacher Guide

It’s Hot Out There

It’s Hot Out There

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Heat is increasing in Florida, and increasing heat means increasing health risks. It is critical that outdoor workers, their employers and other vulnerable residents, such as student athletes, understand what to do to prevent heat illness and the longer-term health effects of extreme and long-lasting heat. This publication was created in partnership with Enterprising Latinas, Inc. with grant support from Allegany Franciscan Ministries.

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Click here to download the publication in Spanish
Click here to download the teacher guide

Just the Facts: Vaccination protects

Just the Facts: Vaccination protects

Grade levels: Middle and High school

There’s a lot of information out there about vaccines and vaccinations, and it can get confusing. Just the Facts helps cut through the confusion by covering the basics of what vaccination is, how it works, what it protects against and why it is important. It also covers vaccine safety, busts some myths about vaccines and points to trustworthy sources for additional information. Just the Facts was created in partnership with Pfizer’s Independent Grants for Learning & Change program.

Click here to download the publication

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness: Empowering young people to manage their mental health

This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

According to the Surgeon General of the United States, mental health challenges were the leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people even before the COVID-19 pandemic, and rates of psychological distress among young people, including symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders, have increased significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic began. This publication, created in partnership with BayCare, focuses on focus on empowering youth to recognize, manage and learn from difficult emotions.

Click here to download the publication.

Operation: Nutrition. Think.Eat.Grow

Operation: Nutrition. Think.Eat.Grow
This publication is not available in print

Grade level: Elementary school

Healthy lifestyle choices are a crucial component to student success. This NIE publication brings important nutrition and fitness activities directly to elementary school classrooms, so that students may learn about daily caloric balance, physical activity, and healthy food choices. This curriculum was created in partnership with Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Digital edition only. Click here to download the publication.
Click here to download the publication flyer
Download the teacher feedback survey

Passport to Flavor (MS)

Passport to Flavor
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

Food is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Across the world, food plays a key role in how we live our lives and interact with each other. The world is full of a variety of vegetables and fruits that can be prepared in many different ways. This publication, created in cooperation with Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Kohl's Cares, encourages students to think about exploring new foods they have never tried before. Consider this publication to be a passport to flavor, from traditional dishes to new takes on old favorites. This supplement contains informational text and activities in conjunction with Language Arts and health standards.

This publication is not available in print.

Click here to download the publication.

Plugged In: News, views and issues that affect our lives every day

2017 Plugged In: News, views and issues that affect our lives every day

Grade levels: High school and College

"Addiction isn't fun. Addiction is lonely, terrifying and insidious." Throughout much of the last century, scientists studying drug abuse labored in the shadows of powerful myths and misconceptions about the nature of addiction. Today, thanks to science, our views and our responses to drug abuse have changed dramatically. As a result of scientific research, we know that addiction is a disease that affects both brain and behavior. This educational publication, geared toward college students and adults of all ages, was created in partnership with DACCO.

Click here to download the publication

Dental Health

Smile: Your teeth and you
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Elementary school

Having a healthy mouth and teeth is important for health, speech, appearance and self-esteem. Untreated tooth decay results in pain and infection, leading to problems with eating, speaking and learning. Children with oral health problems are more likely to have problems at school and miss more days of school than children with good oral health. This publication will teach elementary children and their parents all about the importance of oral health and how to care for their teeth and mouth. Smile: Your teeth and you was produced in partnership with the DentaQuest Foundation and the West Coast District Dental Association.

Click here to download the publication

Street Smart

Street Smart Prevention

Grade level: Middle and High school

Let’s face facts. The misuse and abuse of alcohol, over-the-counter medications, illicit drugs and tobacco affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans, including young adults. Not only does misuse of these substances affect the users, but it also affects their families, neighbors and the rest of our communities. The Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance (HCADA) knows this and works with community partners to promote healthy communities. This Tampa Bay Times Newspaper in Education publication, created in partnership with the HCADA focuses on educating young people and the adults in their lives about substance abuse prevention.

Click here to download the publication

Substance Abuse Prevention Month – October

Grade levels: Middle and High school

This October marks the fifth annual National Substance Abuse Prevention Month – an observance to highlight the vital role of substance abuse prevention in both individual and community health and to remember those who have lost their lives to substance abuse. Every day, far too many Americans are hurt by alcohol and drug abuse. From diminished achievement in our schools, to greater risks on our roads and in our communities, to the heartache of lives cut tragically short, the consequences of substance abuse are profound. Yet, we also know that they are preventable. This month, we pay tribute to all those working to prevent substance abuse in our communities, and we rededicate ourselves to building a safer, drug-free America.

Understanding Your Body: Breast Health Education for Adolescents

Understanding Your Body: Breast Health Education for Adolescents

Grade level: High school

Specifically geared towards adolescents, this publication explores breast health, breast cancer risk factors and risk reduction strategies with the overall goal of encouraging healthy behaviors into adulthood. Understanding Your Body was produced in partnership with the Florida Breast Cancer Foundation.

Click here to download the publication
Click here to download the teacher guide

Wicked Garden

Wicked Garden
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Middle and High school

According to the 2012 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey, almost one in ten Florida high school students has misused prescription pain relievers or prescription amphetamines. The FYSAS also reveals that the percentage of youth reporting prescription drug misuse/abuse jumps dramatically between middle and high school. Wicked Garden, created in partnership with the AMA Foundation and Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, presents the facts and reveals the myths about prescription drug abuse/misuse and provides resources for educators, students and parents.

Click here to download the publication
Click here to download the Pre/Post test

Wildfire Safety

Wildfire Safety
This publication is not available in print.

Grade levels: Elementary and Middle school

More than 17.3 million acres of Florida is covered with forests. Although the state’s abundant rain and sunshine are vital to the survival of Florida’s forests, another element is necessary to maintain them ... fire. For thousands of years, Florida’s forests have developed because of the presence of fire. In fact, many of Florida’s ecosystems require fire in order to exist. This supplement, created in partnership with the Florida Forest Service, a division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service, focuses on learning more about Florida’s forests and learning the difference between good fires and bad fires, and how students can protect Florida’s forests.

Click here to download the publication